This week, there's yet another new introduction from us: Selago 'White Cascade'. This is a magical little plant with a feathery cascade of foliage brightened by tiny flowers fit for a fairy bouquet. It thrives in sun or very light shade, and likes fairly moist soil. Here's a pic of our 15cm pot (R15.35) - the 20cm pots obviously have an even bigger diameter.
The little flowers are too gorgeous for me not to show you a close up:
White flowers are always elegant: let's look at a few more:
Jasminum multipartitum comes in two forms - creeping and bush. The early-flowering creeping form has already flowered, but now, just when Jasmine lovers might be thinking they have to wait for next spring to enjoy their sweet scent, the bush form begins to flower.
15cm pots: R16.30
4kg bags: R14.70
Jasminum multipartitum
Jasminum angulare is much less well-known, though heaven knows why, because it has the longest flowering season of all Jasmines. Its in bloom now and will continue to flower for the rest of the summer.
4kg bags: R9.35
15cm pots: R9.95
Magnificent 10kg bags: R17.95
Jasminum angulare
Onwards with the bridal colour!
Everyone loves Confetti bushes (Coleonema)
15cm pots: R16.90
Coleonema album
This is Gazania rigens white: its quite a vigorous little number, and just look at the flowering!
4kg bags: R7.60
Gazania rigens White
Everyone loves a 'sewejaartjie' thanks to their papery, everlasting flowers. Syncarpaha argyropsis fits the bill, and just look at the neat, mound-forming habit.
15cm pots: R17.65
Syncarpha argyropsis
Moving to shade, this Sutera, also known as Bacopa abunda 'Colossal White' is genuinely collosal. Take a look at the size of those flowers! Have you ever seen anything like it?
15cm pots:R13.00
Bacopa abunda 'Colossal White'
So: were you thinking we've got nothing but white flowers? Never! How about these colourful beauties:
Osteospermum hybrids are selling almost as fast as their buds can open, and no wonder! Snap up gorgeous plants like these.
15cm pots: R15.35
Gazania 'Gazoo' in 15cm pots: R8.70
Gazania 'Gazoo'
A taste of Namaqualand
Gazania krebsiana 4kg bags: R9.35
Gazania krebsiana
Podranea in 10kg bags: R24.45
Podranea ricasoliana
Bacopa abunda 'Collosal Pink' isn't as colossal as the white, but it is a truly pink Sutera ideal for quite deep shade.
15cm pots:R13.00
Bacopa abunda 'Collosal Pink'
Euryops pectinatus in 4kg bags: R10.95
Euryops pectinatus
Euryops 'Sunshine Classic Fine' in 4kg bags: R9.35
Euryops 'Sunshine Classic Fine'
Tecoma 'Rocky horror' (TM) 10kg bags: R36.60
Tecoma capensis 'Rocky Horror' TM
Here's something that's both pretty and a little unusual: 'Tulbaghia capensis' has green, dwarf foliage and slightly shorter flower stems than the well-known silver-leafed T. violacea. The flowers are also a deeper shade of lilac.
4kg bags: R9.30
Tulbaghia capensis
Of course, there are also super plants of Tulbaghia violacea in bloom now.
4kg bags: R7.55
Tulbaghia violacea
Agapanthus 'Nana' blue 4kg bags: R9.30
Agapanthus 'Nana Blue'
Hypoxis setosa in 4kg bags: R9.30
Hypoxis setosa
Look at the pretty purple flowers of Monopsis 'Royal Flush'. 20cm pots are full and fresh and will just get more and more profusely covered in flowers as the summer progresses. Whenever I take this plant to garden clubs for plant talks, people are fascinated by its delicate beauty.
20cm pots: R20.35
Monopsis 'Royal Flush'
Felicia amellodes is a 'must have':
4kg bags: R9.35
Felicia amelloides
... and Felicia amelloides variegated! These prime specimens in 20cm pots look like huge bouquets!
20 cm pots:R20.35
Sunny Hermannia hyssopifolia just keeps on flowering. The tiny yellow flowers resemble roses and contrast prettily with the silvery, mound-forming foliage. Grows to about 30cm.
4kg bags: R9.35
Hermannia hyssopifolia
Arctotis arctotoides: a cheerful, clump forming perennial
4kg bags: R9.35
Arctotis arctotoides
Everyone who walks along the coastline will recognize the tough little Cineraria geifolia
4kg bags: R7.60
Cineraria geifolia
The two pictures below show Selago 'Superlilac' : a Selago with extra muscle! They're just coming into flower, and soon every branch will be tipped with the lovely lilac flowers you can see in the close-up.
15cm pots: R15.35
Selago 'Superlilac'
Lampranthus Light Pink have finally decided its spring:
12.5cm pots:R7.15
Besides all these flowering wonders, we've got some fabulous foliage plants including these juicy succulents:
Othonna dentata (limited stock, but oh-so-unusual)
4kg bags: R7.35
Othonna dentata
Bonsai-like Crassula ericoides
12.5cm pots: R6.95
Crassula ericoides
Crassula muscosa 'Rastafari'
12.5cm pots: R6.95
Crassula muscosa 'Ratafari'
Crassula pellucida thrives in sun or shade
4kg bags: R7.35
Crassula pellucida
Crassula pellucida ssp marginalis has rounded leaves - and they're coming into flower.
4kg bags: R7.35
Crassula pellucida ssp marginalis
There's so much more to choose from: our trees are looking stunning, and the Restios are a sight to behold. Then there are the lush Scadoxus, and the flowering Scabiosa and... and... so much more I'll have to save for another post.
Till next time!
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